6 & 7 february 2025 - Rouen, France

The mission of the France Cerebellum Club is to promote interactions between scientists interested in the study of the cerebellum in all its modalities (development, cellular neuroscience, integrative, cognitive and computational, pathologies, …) and using various methodologies (molecular et cellular biology, génétics, in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology, imaging, behavior, clinical and translational research, …). The association is a signatory to the ALBA declaration for equity and inclusion. As such, it’s committed to promote diversity in our scientific community by promoting practices and implementing means that identify biases and fix it, and promote an inclusive and positive environment.

This association aims in particular :

  • To promote the development of scientific research in all fields concerning the cerebellum, for itself or in interaction,
  • To promote exchanges between French-speaking researchers, in particular by organizing an annual conference, seminars or any other means that it deems useful,
  • To promote the diffusion of knowledges in society,
  • To promote exchanges and collaborations at the international level and to participate in the influence of research carried out on the cerebellum in French-speaking countries by associating with existing international networks,
  • To contribute to the permanent progress of the scientific and technical level and the quality of education in this field.


2 keynotes lecturers

Mari Sepp (Postdoctoral researcher at the Kaessmann lab, ZMBH, Heidelberg University Heidelberg, Germany), who works on the evolution of the cellular programme during cerebellar development in mammals.

Christian Hansel (Professor of Neurobiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, USA) whose work focuses on synaptic and intrinsic plasticity in Purkinje cells.

One technical Imaging session

One afternoon dedicated to practical workshops

8 talk slots to promote young researcher presentations

A long poster session with flash presentation
©Image from Agalic Rodriguez-Duboc